About Alrowda Mosque

Welcome to Alrowda Mosque, a place of worship and community located in the heart of Dorchester, Boston. Our journey began with a vision of unity, faith, and diversity, as we transformed a historic church property into a vibrant and welcoming mosque that serves the needs of our growing community.


From 2015-Present

2015- First Build

In 2015, our community embarked on a remarkable journey by acquiring a former church property in Dorchester, which had served as a place of worship for generations. This transformative step not only preserved the rich history of this beautiful building but also allowed us to establish a new home for the practice of Islam in the heart of Boston.

2016 - Present

Since the establishment of Alrowda mosque, we have continuously expanded to better serve our community. We have not only preserved the historical beauty of this building but also invested in its growth. Our mosque has become a place where individuals and families gather to worship, learn, and connect. Through generous contributions and the dedication of our community members, we have:


Expanded Our Facilities: Our mosque has grown to accommodate a growing congregation, including spacious prayer halls, dedicated classrooms for educational programs, and areas for community gatherings.


Enhanced Services: We have increased the frequency and variety of our services, offering daily prayers, Friday Jumu’ah prayers, and additional programs to cater to the spiritual needs of our community.


Diverse Programs: Our commitment to serving the community goes beyond just worship. We offer an array of programs and services that provide support, education, and engagement for Muslims and the broader community.